- Romans: Walking the Road of Faith
The Struggle Within
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- Series: Romans: Walking the Road of Faith Passage: Romans 7:1-25 Get the full series and save over 10% Being a good Christian is difficult. There are a lot of rules to follow. We can't do it, but God doesn't leave us on our own.
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- Romans: Walking the Road of Faith
We All Have a Master
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- Series: Romans: Walking the Road of Faith Passage: Romans 6:15-23 Get the full series and save over 10% We're all a servant of something or someone outside outside ourselves. Who we serve directly impacts our eternal destiny. There are two choices: one leads to life, the other to destruction.
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- Romans: Walking the Road of Faith
The Meaning Behind Believer’s Baptism
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- Series: Romans: Walking the Road of Faith Passage: Romans 6:1-14 Get the full series and save over 10% Some denominations sprinkle, others dunk people under water. Which one best accords with Scripture? The symbolism of baptism gives evidence that the Bible advocates immersion (believer's baptism).
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- Romans: Walking the Road of Faith
Adam, Jesus, and Humpty Dumpty
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- Series: Romans: Walking the Road of Faith Passage: Romans 5:12-21 Get the full series and save over 10% The story of Humpty Dumpty is well known. However, what's not often understood is how that famous nursery rhyme depicts us all.
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- Romans: Walking the Road of Faith
Praise God: Something to Boast About
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- Series: Romans: Walking the Road of Faith Passage: Romans 5:1-11 Get the full series and save over 10% An encounter with God changes our perspective and gives us a new way of living. That's why Paul tells us to boast about God in all things.
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- Romans: Walking the Road of Faith
Abraham and Grace
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- Series: Romans: Walking the Road of Faith Passage: Romans 4:1-25 Get the full series and save over 10% Grace is not a New Testament concept; it is a biblical concept. Both the Old and New Testaments teach that salvation is by grace through faith alone. Paul illustrates this truth using Abraham.
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- Romans: Walking the Road of Faith
Problem Solved
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- Series: Romans: Walking the Road of Faith Passage: Romans 3:21-31 Get the full series and save over 10% The problem we all have is our sin. It condemns us, enslaves us, and interferes with our relationships. God offers his solution, and it’s infinitely superior to anything else.
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- Romans: Walking the Road of Faith
The Reality of Human Nature
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- Series: Romans: Walking the Road of Faith Passage: Romans 3:9-20 Get the full series and save over 10% It's commonly believed that people are good. Culture loves to extol the virtues of the human spirit. Despite its popularity, this perception does not accord with Scripture: human nature is darker than many realize.
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- Romans: Walking the Road of Faith
Objection Overruled
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- Series: Romans: Walking the Road of Faith Passage: Romans 3:1-8 Get the full series and save over 10% Many people object to God or what he does. They hold God to their own standards of right and wrong and, when he doesn't conform, they accuse him of failure. The problem, though, isn't God; the problem is us.
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- Romans: Walking the Road of Faith
In the Club but Out of Luck
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- Series: Romans: Walking the Road of Faith Passage: Romans 2:17-29 Get the full series and save over 10% Churches are full of people who strive to be "good Christians." Based on works, church attendance, or other things, people think they are in good standing with God, just like many Jews in Paul's day. However, just like them, many believers are…
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- Romans: Walking the Road of Faith
We’re All Accountable
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- Series: Romans: Walking the Road of Faith Passage: Romans 2:1-16 Get the full series and save over 10% Scripture is clear: God will judge us all. The question then arises: what is the basis of God’s judgment? Paul explains that in this text.
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- Romans: Walking the Road of Faith
The Truth has been Suppressed
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- Series: Romans: Walking the Road of Faith Passage: Romans 1:18-32 Get the full series and save over 10% Because of cultural and society’s influence, we have buried the truth in a coffin of lies. We must rediscover the truth if we are to honor and serve God.
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