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How to Be Like Jesus
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: Hebrews 9:23-28 Hebrews, through it's many Old Testament references, shows us in great detail who Jesus is and what he did. By showing the greater extent of Jesus' work, it shows us even more about what it means to be like Jesus: loving God and loving others through sacrificial service. A lesson from Hebrews 9.
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The “Now What” Challenge
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: John 1:14-18 Christians know about God and Jesus, but now what? Do we let it impact our lives and ministries? Take the "Now What" challenge today!
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Finding True Success
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: Proverbs 22:4 True success is not found in what we have in the world, but who we have in our hearts. Discover how to find true success in life with this lesson from Proverbs 22.
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Don’t Give Up on God
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: Psalm 42 On our journey with Jesus, times will come when we struggle between head knowledge and heart knowledge. We often know something is true, but don't feel it's true. We may know to trust God, but struggle to live it. A lesson from Psalm 42.
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Stick to the Truth
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: Galatians 1:6-10 Growth is good, and marketing it key to it. Many, though, sacrifice principles, truth, and the gospel for the sake popularity. I offer two questions to help you determine whether or not you've abandoned what matters or whether you are sticking to the truth.
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We’re Not All That
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 Paul didn't have social media and selfies, but he did struggle with narcissism and egos. God saw the concern, offered Paul a cure, and gave Paul comfort.
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Helping the Depressed
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: Proverbs 12:25 When a friend or loved one is depressed, we want to help them overcome it. To help them we must recognize the problem and offer effective assistance. A lesson from Proverbs 12.
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- Devotionals, Series Collections
YouTube Devotionals, Vol. 3
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Volume 3 of Dr. John Rothra's devotional series brings 10 more audio devotionals to help with your spiritual growth in Christ Jesus.
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Heart of the Restored
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: Psalm 145:14-21 Being restored by God should impact our lives. Here are four characteristics of a restored heart. A lesson from Psalm 145.
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Celebrate God’s Grace
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: Isaiah 12:1-2 People celebrate all sorts of things. We need to start finding ways to celebrate God and what He's done. A lesson from Isaiah 12.
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Seeker or the Sought?
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5 Christians often talk about those seeking God, seeking truth, seeking answers. We need not forget that God seeks us, too. A lesson from 2 Thessalonians 3.
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Life’s Detours
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: Luke 1:34-38 We make plans for our life, wanting to live it our way. Sometimes, though, we are told to take detours. How do we respond? A lesson from Luke 1.
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God of Restoration
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: Jeremiah 31:1-6 God taught Jeremiah that while he does judge sinners, he also shows mercy, love, and restoration to those who repent. A lesson from Jeremiah 31.
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Tell Them the Gospel
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: Romans 10:14-17 Evangelism can be intimidating and seem hard to do. Here's some encouragement and four steps to help you begin to share the gospel more often. A lesson from Romans 10.
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Finding Our Way
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: Psalm 16:8-11 Most people struggle in life, looking for some sense of purpose and joy. David found that joy and purpose, and we can find them to by following his example.
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Teaching and Being Taught
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: Proverbs 10:17 Learning involves obtaining knowledge and accepting correction. We often welcome one and reject the other. Both, however, are needed to make our lives better.
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Work for the Future
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: Philippians 3:11-16 People often focus more on the past or their present situations than they do the future. God reminds us to press onward toward the future. A lesson from Philippians 3.
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Hidden Blessings
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: Lamentations 3:22-23 It can be difficult to see God at work in hard times. However, he is faithful and can bless his children, even if we don't see it at first. A lesson from Lamentations 3.
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- Devotionals, Series Collections
YouTube Devotionals, Vol. 2
- $7.99
- Series: YouTube Devotionals Volume 2 of Dr. John Rothra's devotional series brings 10 more audio devotionals to help with your spiritual growth in Christ Jesus.
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In Christ Alone
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: John 14:1-7 We look for help, hope, and peace in all sorts of things. In a passage well-known to Christians, God reminds us that when it comes to life, it's all about Jesus.
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The Gospel in One Minute
$0.99Original price was: $0.99.$0.00Current price is: $0.00. - The gospel message in about one minute. Taken from "Three Steps to Peace."
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Three Steps to Peace
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: 1 Peter 3:8-12 In a world of chaos, peace becomes a more desired goal. It also seems less attainable. Here are three steps to finding peace. A lesson from 1 Peter 3.
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Heed God’s Word
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: Joshua 1:8 There is a something fascinating and beautiful about how the Old Testament is organized. This beauty conveys an important message to us.
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Not Ashamed
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: 2 Timothy 1:8-14 Society tells us to sit down and be quiet. We're often shamed into silence and hiding. We need not be ashamed of the Jesus or the gospel, but speak boldly about what we believe. A lesson from 2 Timothy 1.
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Through the Valley (How God Helped Me Avoid Depression)
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: Psalm 23:5 Following a major car wreck that caused me significant injury, I could have fallen deep into depression. As I reflect on the wreck and it's impact, I can see three ways that God got me through that difficult time and protected me from depression.
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YouTube Devotionals, Vol. 3
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Volume 3 of Dr. John Rothra's devotional series brings 10 more audio devotionals to help with your spiritual growth in Christ Jesus.
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How can I Love THAT Person?!
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Why People Get Sick
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Live Out God’s Word
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YouTube Devotionals, Vol. 5
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Spiritually Toxic Relationships
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- Devotionals, Series Collections
YouTube Devotionals, Vol. 4
- $7.99
- Series: YouTube Devotionals Volume 4 of Dr. John Rothra's devotional series brings 10 more audio devotionals to help with your spiritual growth in Christ Jesus.
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In Christ Alone
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- Series: YouTube Devotionals Passage: John 14:1-7 We look for help, hope, and peace in all sorts of things. In a passage well-known to Christians, God reminds us that when it comes to life, it's all about Jesus.
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Three Steps to Peace
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Live the Word
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Being Christian vs. Being Religious
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Jesus Set the Standard
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- Romans: Walking the Road of Faith
The Life of Royalty
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- Romans: Walking the Road of Faith
Praise God: Something to Boast About
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