The Story of Christmas Minute to Win It

This collection of delightfully fun Christmas games for kids and adults provides a non-threatening platform for you to introduce Jesus.

We know Christmas is coming when we are greeted by the familiar tunes of Christmas carols, the sight of Christmas trees, festive decorations and lights, and smell of buttery Christmas cookies. Every corner we turn, Nativity scenes gently remind us that Christmas is in the air.

These sounds, sights, and smells inevitably stir in us a special feeling that we associate with Christmas. A feeling of joy. A feeling of hope. Is it any wonder that Christmas is one of the best times of the year for us to share the good news about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?

But before we rush and smother our dear family and friends with overly aggressive sharing of the gospel, let us consider the counsel of the apostle Peter to do so with gentleness and respect:

But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.

1 Peter 3:15

One way to introduce Jesus to your family and friends is through games. This collection of delightfully fun Christmas games for kids and adults provides a non-threatening platform for you to introduce Jesus.

Games are a wonderful way to introduce Jesus to family and friends with gentleness and respect.

One of our favorites is The Story of Christmas Minute To Win It Games. Each of the six games in this special collection of low-prep games is linked to a small part of the Biblical Christmas story. While playing, you can tell the true story of Christmas in a fun and memorable way. And if your family and friends want to know more, use the condensed Bible lesson at the end as a guide to share with them about God’s perfect Christmas gift to us, Jesus Christ. Here are the six games in this collection.

J is for Jesus!

The candy cane looks like a shepherd’s staff when you hold it upright. But when you turn it over, it looks like the letter J. J is for Jesus! Who is Jesus?

More than 2000 years ago, there lived a young woman named Mary. She was preparing to be married to a man named Joseph. One day, an angel appeared to Mary and said, “Listen! You will soon have a son, and you will name him Jesus. The baby will be holy and will be called the Son of God.”

In this game, players must hold a “fishing pole” in their mouths and use it to pick up 4 small candy canes off the edge of a table.

Home Again

The Bible tells us that around the time for Jesus to be born, the Roman rulers ordered everyone to return to their hometown to be counted. Joseph and Mary had to travel to Joseph’s hometown of Bethlehem.

In this game, there are 6 different colored candies representing people from 6 different hometowns, and 6 matching colored bowls representing their respective hometowns. Players must “return” each candy to its respective “hometown” in 60 seconds.

All Wrapped Up

When Joseph and Mary arrived at Bethlehem, the town was very crowded. They had to stay where animals were kept. While they were there, baby Jesus was born. Mary wrapped him with pieces of cloth and placed him in a manger.

In this 2-player game, the first players must wrap the second player with an entire roll of toilet paper.

Nighty Night Sheep

On the night that Jesus was born, in a field near Bethlehem, shepherds were looking after their sheep. An angel appeared to them and said, “I bring you good news of great joy for all people. Today in Bethlehem, a Savior has been born. He is Christ the Lord!” Then many more angels appeared, praising God for the birth of Jesus.

In this game, players are shepherds who must herd all their sheep into a sheep pen. Using an empty pizza box, players fan 12 marshmallow “sheep” across the floor towards the “sheep pen”.

Follow the Star

Sometime after the birth of Jesus, wise men from the east saw a bright, new star in the sky. They knew it was a sign that a great King had been born. The wise men followed the star to look for the child. When they found Jesus, they bowed down, worshiped him and gave him gifts.

In this game, players must roll a tennis ball from behind a foul line onto a star placed on the floor 5 feet away. The ball must come to rest while touching any part of the star.

The Greatest Gift

The wise men went in search of Jesus because they knew Jesus was special. The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Son of God. God sent Jesus to be born on earth because he loves us very much. Jesus is God’s special Christmas gift to all of us!

In this game, players must unwrap a gift-wrapped present in 60 seconds while wearing a pair of oven mitts.

Check out The Story of Christmas Minute To Win It Games for more detailed instructions as well as tips on how to adapt these games for younger players.

If your guests prefer to play a game with less movement, the Christmas Trivia game is a great alternative. The Christmas Trivia questions in this game are divided into 5 categories: (1) From the Bible, (2) Christmas Carols, (3) Christmas Movies and Books, (4) Christmas Foods and (5) Random Facts. Free printable Christmas Trivia Questions Cards and a Christmas Trivia Board are provided.

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