An Evangelistic Five Point Calvinist is Possible
I’ve been told many times that a five-point Calvinist cannot be evangelistic. However, that is not necessarily true. A concept to ponder.
I’ve been told many times that a five-point Calvinist cannot be evangelistic. However, that is not necessarily true. A concept to ponder.
Many claiming to serve God often misinterpret God’s Word to suit their own desires. Tony Alamo of the Jesus Movement is one such man.
What is the relationship between tolerance and evangelism? While one usually dislikes the other, the other should be the one.
Headlines are intended to entice us to read the article. Sometimes they evoke fear. This is an example of a catchy, a bit misleading, yet cute headline.
Churches and pastors talk a lot about outreach, but we are called to do evangelism. Outreach and evangelism are not always synonymous.
Another discovery raises more questions about the veracity of Darwinian evolutionary theory (except in the minds of Darwin’s disciples).
Did man originate in Africa? What does the Bible say about man’s origins? My thoughts on an article arguing we are all African.
Evolutionary theory is seen by some as fact. However, evidence keeps arising that sheds doubt on the veracity of Darwin’s hypothesis.
Presents under the tree, whether purchased or hand-made, will wear out and break. God’s gift, hung on a tree, is eternal.
Miracles are not merely events of biblical times, and they are not myths to be dismissed. Miracles happen today, and this is just one.
We are commanded, or ordered, to “go” and “make disciples.” When Jesus commands us to do something, we can either obey his command or disobey his command.
Health and wealth prosperity preachers deceive people into giving away their cash to get rich, but they should instead give Jesus to people.
Having been involved with churches of various sizes—from small rural churches to urban megachurches—I offer my experience and education to you.
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