Is Richard Dawkins Warming Up to God?
Some may think atheistic and evolutionary apologist Richard Dawkins is softening his position regarding God. Is this true or is something else going on?
Some may think atheistic and evolutionary apologist Richard Dawkins is softening his position regarding God. Is this true or is something else going on?
A list of free smart phone apps that are great tools for personal evangelism and engaging others with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We’re called to evangelize, but not every method is recommended. A funny video illustrating an assertive method some may use to evangelize.
When implementing an evangelism strategy, it is vital that it be effective. Here are four keys to having an effective churchwide evangelism strategy.
Can a church really be too evangelistic? This article seeks to answer this question, address some causes for this perception, and provide some solutions.
When is the last time we challenged ourselves in evangelism? This article issues the “12% Challenge,” calling churches to strive for a 12% baptism rate.
Southern Baptist baptisms and membership decline, yet church planting rises. However, there is reason to be hopeful despite disappointing trends.
Many churches in America resist change. Most churches are also plateaued or declining. Is there a connection between resistance to change and church growth?
When it comes to impacting and transforming society, Christians can learn a lot from the gay pride movement that has swept across the United States.
Moving a conversation to spiritual matters doesn’t have to be difficult. There are ways to transition easily to an evangelistic conversation.
Five tips that can help improve the personal evangelism of believers in your local church. Additionally, some ideas to improve some classic approaches.
Churches want to be evangelistic. Churches need to be evangelistic. Many, though, have false perceptions of themselves when it comes to being evangelistic.
Having been involved with churches of various sizes—from small rural churches to urban megachurches—I offer my experience and education to you.
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