Using the Hero’s Journey to Understand the Christian Journey, Part 1: The Gospel Call
The Christian hero’s journey always begins with a gospel call, which consists of two types. What is the gospel call how will people respond?
The Christian hero’s journey always begins with a gospel call, which consists of two types. What is the gospel call how will people respond?
In the fall of man recorded in Genesis 3 is a type and shadow of Jesus’ work on the cross. It is the gospel in the fall of Adam and Eve.
We don’t always effectively share the gospel with people. These 8 tips will help us evangelize and interact with atheists and other non-Christians.
Gospel tracts tell the Good News. While there are many excellent tracts available, no one single tract is appropriate for everyone and every occasion.
How may we pass on the truth of Jesus’ resurrection to the next generation? One way is to tell the story of Easter is with Resurrection Eggs.
Make the Christmas season especially meaningful this year by sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with your family and friends.
Evangelistic outreach is about one thing: making Jesus known. Sometimes, though, we let the messenger get in the way of the message.
Children need to hear the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. Here are five things we should bear in mind when evangelizing to children.
Evangelism is the mission of the church. Evangelism is the mission of every follower of Jesus. However, we don’t always do it right.
These seven books will introduce you to the topics of church growth, evangelism, and spiritual awakenings (revivals) throughout history and for today.
Evangelism is needed. God blesses those who evangelize. Yet, many are not sharing the gospel. These four steps will help improve your personal evangelism.
We are called to preach the gospel, yet not every sermon includes it. To help fix this, here are seven ways to share the gospel in any sermon.
Having been involved with churches of various sizes—from small rural churches to urban megachurches—I offer my experience and education to you.
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