What Story are We Really Telling with our Stories?
Social media stories are all the rage right now. As we post more stories, what do they actually say about us as people? Is it the story we really want told?
Social media stories are all the rage right now. As we post more stories, what do they actually say about us as people? Is it the story we really want told?
Our mindset and motives when reading Scripture impact our relationship with God. We need to come in the right way to experience spiritual growth in Christ.
Some think the Bible describes two different Gods. However, God is unchanging: throughout Scripture, he judges sinners and forgives those who repent.
Life can seem like a long, meandering trek to find joy and our purpose in life. In Psalm 16, David teaches us how we can find these in our lives.
Some lessons are easy to learn; others, though, are hard to accept. Sometimes we don’t want to hear it; other times the information is badly given.
We plan for our financial future, but what about our spiritual future? Here are four tips to help you prepare for the future and begin experiencing it now.
Difficult times can overwhelm us, consume our thoughts, and impact our emotions. Sometimes, though, God is using the hardship to bless us.
Many people seek answers, hope, love, and more. While we often seek it in ourselves or other people, these things and more are in Christ alone.
Peace isn’t the absence of conflict or stress; peace is the ability to handle those things with poise, confidence, and hope in everyday life.
God uses the structure of the Old Testament to reveal an important message to us. I highlight that structure and the message hidden in plain sight.
Jesus said we should abide in him. What does that mean? How do we do it? I answer these questions and offer some tips to help us abide in Christ.
We all have doubts. The question isn’t whether or not we have doubts, but what we do about those doubts. I outline three steps to dealing with doubt.
Having been involved with churches of various sizes—from small rural churches to urban megachurches—I offer my experience and education to you.
Schedule me to speak or to be a guest on your podcast or YouTube channel.
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