Using the Hero’s Journey to Understand the Christian Journey, Part 5: The Victory
Unlike the traditional hero, Christians don’t have to wait until the end of the journey to experience victory in their lives.
Unlike the traditional hero, Christians don’t have to wait until the end of the journey to experience victory in their lives.
Life is about growing and maturing. The Bible tells us what spiritual growth looks like and how to recognize whether or not we are maturing.
Struggle is part of life and part of the Christian’s journey. Though we can’t avoid hardship, we can change how we perceive and respond to it.
We should never take the Christian journey alone. We need to be mentored and discipled. What does biblical discipleship look like?
The Christian hero’s journey always begins with a gospel call, which consists of two types. What is the gospel call how will people respond?
Having been involved with churches of various sizes—from small rural churches to urban megachurches—I offer my experience and education to you.
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