Biblegrams Created for all of 2018
The collection of all of the Biblegrams I posted in 2018. Please feel free to share them on your favorite social media platform.
The collection of all of the Biblegrams I posted in 2018. Please feel free to share them on your favorite social media platform.
The collection of all the inspirational quote memes I posted in 2018. Please share them on your favorite social media platform.
Over our history, Christians have done much to tear down the glorious house that Jesus established at Pentecost. We have much to rebuild.
There are many ways to grow a church, business, and social media audience. Some abandon truth, principles, and the gospel in order to gain success.
To help us combat pride, God often sends thorns to serve as reminders that we’re not all that. They also should remind us how much we need to trust Jesus.
Helping someone with depression can be difficult and frustrating. Don’t give up! Here are some tools to aid you as you help someone who is depressed.
Halfway through the 2018 season, the Buffalo Bills continued to struggle. Their struggle is an object lesson for the church.
God is in the business of restoring hearts and lives. Those who need and experience God’s restoration seek him, call on him, praise him, and proclaim him.
Many churches are in need of church revitalization. These three questions will help any church begin the process of ministry and outreach self-evaluation.
We celebrate many things in our lives: birthdays, holidays, etc. We need to find ways to celebrate every day who God is and what he’s done through Jesus.
Churches come in many sizes. Some ministers become well-known while many serve in obscurity with no platform or audience to share their much-needed wisdom.
We are called to seek God, to pursue and desire him. God showed me, though, that he also pursues us. A lesson from 2 Thessalonians 3.
Having been involved with churches of various sizes—from small rural churches to urban megachurches—I offer my experience and education to you.
Schedule me to speak or to be a guest on your podcast or YouTube channel.
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