Ellen, George, and Hollywood: A Fascinating Study on Character
We need to look at ourselves and see who we really are. What do our actions say about our character? It’s time we underwent a character assessment.
We need to look at ourselves and see who we really are. What do our actions say about our character? It’s time we underwent a character assessment.
Each one of us struggles with arrogance in some form or fashion. James reminds us that arrogance is a sin. Here are four steps to help you to avoid it.
Scripture memes, inspirational quotes, and Biblegrams from July to September 2019. Be sure to share them on your favorite social media platforms.
The next batch of Scripture memes, Biblegrams, and inspirational quotes from the second quarter (April-June) of 2019. Feel free to share on social media.
Psychologists, therapists, and counselors try to help us know ourselves better. Yet, however well we may think we know ourselves, God knows us even better.
Whether a single parent, business owner, YouTuber, or blue-collar laborer, each of us can have an impact on someone else’s life.
A collection of sermons by Dr. John L. Rothra that highlight what true freedom means and how to have it.
Many Christians spend years trying to determine what is God’s call for them. There are two ways to do this: sit and wait or start doing something.
Many of the articles now follow the three areas of ministry I outlined in February 2019: knowing, showing, and sharing the gospel of Jesus.
Evangelistic outreach is about one thing: making Jesus known. Sometimes, though, we let the messenger get in the way of the message.
The Bible says pray. Jesus said to come to God every day. Sometimes, though, we treat God less like our Heavenly Father and more like our personal genie.
We must find creative ways of communicating biblical truths so that people can be transformed by the word of God. One good approach is through games.
Having been involved with churches of various sizes—from small rural churches to urban megachurches—I offer my experience and education to you.
Schedule me to speak or to be a guest on your podcast or YouTube channel.
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