When Desires of the Heart Lead to Fighting and Division
James reminds us that often our arguments, fights, and divisions are rooted in the sin of selfish desires of the heart. He then tells us the cure for it.
James reminds us that often our arguments, fights, and divisions are rooted in the sin of selfish desires of the heart. He then tells us the cure for it.
Scripture make it evident that Jesus loves children. Get downloadable mobile and desktop wallpapers of some of these passages.
The prophet Zechariah received a vision that showed him how a person is saved. He sees that salvation is by grace alone through Jesus alone, not by works.
Often we allow things to go in one ear and out the other, and God’s Word is far too often no exception. James reminds us to live out God’s Word.
Light helps us see where we’re going and keeps us safe. Jesus said Christians are the light of the world, but sometimes we dim that light or turn it off.
How may we pass on the truth of Jesus’ resurrection to the next generation? One way is to tell the story of Easter is with Resurrection Eggs.
The new year is upon us, it’s a great time to share some inspirational Bible memes and quotes. These are the ones from October to December 2019.
Three fans came together in respect and love despite the smack talk and having very different opinions regarding the teams we support.
Each year I list my favorite Christmas songs. Here are the top 12 holiday songs I’m listening to in 2019. They include a wide range of genres.
Make the Christmas season especially meaningful this year by sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with your family and friends.
Life took a sharp turn in 2018 that could have led to me falling into deep depression. Discover how God got me through, keeping me from sinking.
Seeking first our own happiness can have detrimental consequences. Jesus set a better standard: selflessly serve one another out of love.
Having been involved with churches of various sizes—from small rural churches to urban megachurches—I offer my experience and education to you.
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