What people—including professors and pastors—are saying about 1X Evangelism: A Kingdom Growth Strategy for the Local Church by Dr. John L. Rothra.
With his simple design, 1X Evangelism can be adapted to every size church whether small, medium, or large. All the guidelines and responsibilities for establishing a fresh approach to effective outreach evangelism for the local church are expressed in this work.
The text that helped make personal evangelism a common practice among Southern Baptists in the last half of the twentieth century was Basic Evangelism. What Basic Evangelism was in bringing a revival of evangelism to Southern Baptists in the past is what John L. Rothra’s 1X Evangelism: A Kingdom Growth Strategy for the Local Church could be for Southern Baptists of the future.

Havard School for Theological Studies, SWBTS

The evangelistic methodologies of the past no longer work… or so claim many of today’s esteemed “experts.” Desiring to offer a contemporary, evangelistic strategy reflecting historic, evangelistic methodologies, John Rothra has penned 1X Evangelism.
As someone who finds both value for and success in the historic evangelism practices of the Southern Baptist Convention, I especially appreciate Rothra’s treatment of the subject in Section 1. Pastors will find the 1X Evangelism strategy helpful, providing that they do not merely oversee but actively participate in this evangelistic methodology.
George Santayana once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” In 1X Evangelism John Rothra dares to believe that those who remember the evangelistic successes of the past become capable of seeing them repeated.

Mobberly Baptist Church, Longview, Texas